To support training of conservation corps crew members in riparian restoration treatment, re-treatment and monitoring procedures in four foundation priority Colorado River tributaries - the Dolores, Escalante, Verde and Gila Rivers – and monitoring of restored habitat in the Dolores River
Support to carry out analyses on economic, policy and finance in the fisheries space and build the capacity of in-country decision makers to utilize this information to make decisions
To support riparian habitat restoration, to promote broad watershed partnership efforts, and to support the One for the Verde program that connects community and businesses to the river
Capacity building and coaching support to the team leading a Collective Impact (CI) effort aimed at creating well-managed, sustainable fisheries in Mexico.
To work within the small-scale sector of Indonesian fisheries to promote and develop infrastructure, methodologies and approaches for improving fisheries management in Indonesia
Support for grantee's initiative to secure the progress made by the Sustainable Seafood Coalition in the U.K. and to scope the potential for development of a pre-competitive platform for seafood retailers in Spain and the U.S.
Colorado Foundation for Water Education dba Water Education Colorado
To support grantee's initiatives to increase the reach and quality of objective water journalism, expand its digital communications tools, and build capacity as a sustainable organization.