To support grantee's October 2017 inaugural 10.10.10 Cities program in Denver, Colorado.
Advanced Conservation Strategies
To finish a project to create no-take zones within four Chilean TURF (Territorial Use Right for Fisheries) systems to demonstrate the value of no-take zones in stock health and to develop economic incentives that could generate new revenues to reinvest in management improvements in the TURFs
To support grantee's initiative to collaborate with partners to advance state programs aimed at reducing nutrient runoff in Illinois and Iowa and to orient grassroots support for Mississippi River conservation programs for the Farm Bill.
Support for a corporate engagement platform that will raise $1M in support of a water market strategy's and leverage corporate voices in favor of solutions for water management in the Colorado River basin
Support for grantee's National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) to support the development of an agricultural policy that improves water quality in the Mississippi River basin and to assist in developing metrics that track federal agricultural policy and funding
Support to develop grantee's capacity to work with mainstream farmers, primarily in Iowa, to support federal and state conservation programs that provide funding to farmers to use practices that improve water quality
Support to leverage capital markets for sustainable water infrastructure to influence the municipal water utility sector so that utility capital and operating plans prioritize investments in conservation, reuse, efficiency and green infrastructure.
Support for grantee's initiative to secure the progress made by the Sustainable Seafood Coalition in the U.K. and to scope the potential for development of a pre-competitive platform for seafood retailers in Spain and the U.S.
Colorado Foundation for Water Education dba Water Education Colorado
To support grantee's initiatives to increase the reach and quality of objective water journalism, expand its digital communications tools, and build capacity as a sustainable organization.