Today’s profile of the Walton Family Foundation on the front page of The New York Times draws much-needed attention to our country’s most pressing issue: improving educational opportunity for the families and children who need it most.
Alongside our partners and grantees, we are empowering parents with a choice in where they send their children to school, opening up new, highly-effective schools where there were previously far too few, and improving an education landscape that has been static for too long.
The Walton Family Foundation has been deeply committed to a theory of change, which is that we have a moral obligation to provide families with high quality choices. We believe that in providing choices we are also compelling the other schools in an ecosystem to raise their game.
We work with political leaders of both parties and community leaders across a broad spectrum who share in our belief that our current system is not working for our kids. Motoko Rich’s article captured the essence of our mission, which has remained constant since the Foundation’s very beginning: that every child – regardless of race, zip code, or income – deserves a great education.