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Igniting K-12 Education Research & Development to Spark Innovation and Accelerate Learning

March 20, 2023
The Alliance for Learning Innovation’s 2024 Federal Policy Recommendations

The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) has launched the Alliance for Learning Innovation (ALI), a bipartisan initiative to increase education research and development investments. The alliance brings together education nonprofits, philanthropy, and the private sector to advocate for research-based innovations in education.

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) results suggest the urgent need for transformative approaches and greater investment in K-12 education. The United States. is experiencing the largest drop in reading and math scores in two decades. This is partly due to the COVID-19 pandemic but also to a system that hasn't worked for many students.

ALI focuses on new solutions that build education R&D infrastructure, advance equitable student outcomes, and improve talent pathways. ALI provides an opportunity to think differently and figure out how to best address the needs of students at every juncture of education and beyond.

Read the Recommendations