To mark Women’s History Month, we asked Education Program Director Romy Drucker to share her thoughts on the women who inspire her work and thinking on education.
“I am inspired by the moms, aunts and grandmoms who every day put their children first as they juggle and struggle with life’s many demands,” she says.
Drucker, who became director of the foundation’s Education Program in 2021, cited as role models former Secretary of State and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice and Campbell Brown, with whom she co-founded The 74, a national website devoted to coverage of education issues in the U.S.
On Condoleezza Rice, who now serves as director of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University:
“Secretary Condoleezza Rice is a trailblazer for women and fierce advocate for children. I admire her vision, her pragmatism and her openness to working across lines of difference to improve the quality of education for youth.”
On Campbell Brown, now head of global news partnerships at Facebook:
“Women leaders need to bet on and invest in other women leaders. Campbell Brown bet on and invested in me. As her partner at The 74, she gave me the privilege of learning from her as much as she knew that supporting me meant being open to learning from me. Much has been said and written about women mentoring women. Campbell showed me that support matters but actions matter more.”