June 7, 2024This World Oceans Day, we're inspired by the progress our grantees have made to secure a healthy future for our oceans
May 7, 2024Peru has made steady progress towards sustainability thanks to collaboration up and down the nation’s fish supply chain
October 17, 2023With training and support, one North American nonprofit makes the case that gender equity is a critical tool for sustainability
June 7, 2023Morning Consult Poll Shows 68% of adults are worried that climate change is having a negative impact on the health of the ocean
April 17, 2023The Walton Family Foundation collaborated with Impact Institute to gain actionable information for decision-making and strategy development required to support and preserve fishery communities. The project has consisted of performing two value chain assessments on selected fish supply chains. This report focuses on the blue swimming crab from Indonesia.
April 17, 2023The Walton Family Foundation collaborated with Impact Institute to gain actionable information for decision-making and strategy development required to support and preserve fishery communities. The project consisted of performing two value chain assessments on selected fish supply chains within the operational work of WFF. This report focuses on Peru's mahi-mahi fishery.
March 22, 2023Environment Program Director Moira Mcdonald discusses the important role sustainable agriculture must play in ensuring healthier rivers and oceans.
March 15, 2023Together with USAID and nine other environmental NGOs, Por la Pesca seeks to reduce illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing by up to 30%
December 15, 2022A national poll found overwhelming support among Latinos for measures to protect oceans. Grassroots organizers are turning that passion into action
December 13, 2022More than 62 million people living in the U.S. are Latino or about one in every five. Latinos make up the second largest demographic, yet Latinos are not a monolithic voting bloc. While the Latino community varies in political party affiliation, a new poll has found that the overwhelmingly majority support strong policies to protect the ocean and prevent plastic pollution. According to the U.S. Latinos and the Ocean Poll, conducted for Azul, Latino voters want the nation to invest more, and are willing to pay more themselves, to advance ocean justice.
October 13, 2022The Peruvian artisanal squid fleet accounts for more than 45% of the worldwide landings of the jumbo flying squid (JFS) fishery, the largest invertebrate fishery worldwide. Nevertheless, most vessels involved in the fishery lack secure tenure rights and operate within the informal economy. Interviews and a survey directed to ship-owners allowed identification of three economic regimes under which the fleet operates and estimation of annual operating costs, revenues, and added value. Our results show that the fishery has high economic importance in Peru, accounting annually for 9–15% of the total Peruvian fisheries sector’s GDP.
October 13, 2022The Walton Family Foundation has provided over 10 years of support for the Birds Head Seascape. Long term monitoring of the area has allowed researchers to look at the link between protected area management and social and ecological outcomes.
September 15, 2022Artisanal fishers in the Yucatán Peninsula are embracing sustainable fishing to protect the oceans – and their communities
June 6, 2022Paul Greenberg shares insights into how to improve the health of global fish populations – and how seafood consumers can help
April 21, 2022The foundation’s Environment Program leaders discuss the threats posed by climate change – and the actions we can take to turn the tide
January 31, 2022El esfuerzo por registrar una flota artesanal se convierte en motivo de orgullo para su comunidad